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Honey's Baby Book

Pairing heads

A Honey & Zephry Litter,  Born December 3, 2023

This is Honey's baby album featuring new pictures of her puppies as they grow. We'll include snapshots on this page of important milestones such as birth, opening their eyes, trying their first food, and other significant moments. Additionally, we have a few important dates listed below as reminders. Below the pictures, you'll find a description of their development and what we're doing during this period of their lives. Be sure to check back on this page for "pup-dates" and new pictures.

Honey did well having 10 puppies with 5 boys and 5 girls.

First Visit Chance & Payment Due
January 5-6th: Puppy payment.*
January 5-6th   (Visit time booking link here) 
February 9-10th: Pick and Go-Home for 10-week pups (based on waitlist position). We will contact you with your pick-up day and times. Please leave these days open.
Delivery may be available (you can inquire about the price).
February 9-10th: Training Payments Due for Crown Reserves**
Other Dates:  Crown Reserve puppy Go-Home dates will be scheduled individually based on the amount of training.
  *Full balance due for your puppy amount.
**Full balance due for Silver, Gold, or Diamond Crown Reserve training cost (puppy price is paid earlier)
(second payment only applies to those with 12-16 week puppy training) 

Resources for You:

*Click on the below resources for more information! 

1. First-day tips when bringing your puppy home (Click Here)

2.  Items we recommend - (Click Here)

3.  Feeding/Food Information- (Click Here)

4.  Training Information -  (Click Here)

5.  FAQ's - (Click Here)

Pup-Pics or Video Updated as of February 5:

Development Timeline:

Week 2-3

In the enchanting world of Golden Retriever puppies, the second and third weeks of life are a period of remarkable growth and transformation. These precious little beings, initially fragile and dependent, undergo significant changes that lay the foundation for their future development.

**Sensory Awakening:**
During this pivotal time, the sensory world of Golden Retriever puppies expands. Their eyes, which were initially tightly shut, begin to open wider, and the world outside the whelping box slowly comes into focus. These budding eyesight capabilities allow them to detect movements and the playfulness of their littermates. Additionally, their hearing, which was initially limited, becomes more acute, enabling them to start processing auditory cues from their environment.

Their sense of touch, too, continues to evolve. Though still somewhat uncoordinated, they gain more control over their movements, allowing them to explore their immediate surroundings. These sensory advancements provide a glimpse into the world that these puppies will soon be actively engaging with.

**Burgeoning Mobility:**
Perhaps one of the most endearing aspects of this period is the gradual development of mobility. At around the end of the second week and into the third, these little bundles of fur summon the courage to stand on their wobbly legs. They take their first tentative steps, often stumbling and tumbling in adorable fashion.

While their mobility remains limited compared to what it will become, this newfound ability to move around signifies their growing independence. They are no longer entirely reliant on the warmth of their mother's body; instead, they venture out, albeit cautiously, to explore their environment. Their world is expanding, both physically and metaphorically.

**Social Learning and Bonding:**
Socialization plays a vital role in the development of these puppies, and the second to third-week mark is no exception. Interactions with their littermates take on new dimensions during this time. Playful antics, such as gentle nipping and tussling, help them learn vital lessons about bite inhibition and canine communication.

These interactions are not merely play; they are the building blocks of social bonds among littermates. These bonds are crucial for their emotional development and the establishment of a social hierarchy within the group. Through these early interactions, the puppies begin to understand the intricate language of canine behavior.

**The Ever-Present Mother:**
Throughout this period of growth and exploration, the mother dog remains a constant source of comfort, nourishment, and guidance. Puppies continue to nurse frequently, drawing sustenance and warmth from their ever-vigilant mother. Her meticulous attention ensures their cleanliness and well-being, contributing significantly to their health and development.

Furthermore, the mother dog serves as a role model and teacher. Puppies observe and learn from her actions and responses, gaining insight into how to behave in a canine society. Her presence is a steady guiding force in their lives.

**Continued Dependence and Nurturing:**
Despite their increasing mobility and sensory development, Golden Retriever puppies are far from self-sufficient during this period. They still rely on their mother for more than just nourishment. She continues to stimulate them for urination and defecation, a critical aspect of their care.

As they move through these early weeks, the bond between mother and puppies deepens, and the puppies' dependence on her remains steadfast. This maternal care is essential for their survival and ensures that they are on track for healthy growth.

In conclusion, the second to third weeks of a Golden Retriever puppy's life are a time of enchanting transformation. Their sensory abilities bloom, their mobility takes its first steps, and they engage in vital social interactions with their littermates and mother. This period sets the stage for their future development, as they gradually become more self-reliant and begin their journey into the world. It is a time of growth, bonding, and discovery, a testament to the resilience and wonder of life in its earliest stages.

First Week:

During the first week of a golden retriever puppy's life, significant development and growth occur. Here is a breakdown of the key milestones and changes that take place:


During the first week of a golden retriever puppy's life, there are several heartwarming developments to look forward to:


- Birth: The miracle of life begins as a litter of adorable golden retriever puppies enters the world, bringing joy and excitement to all who witness it.


- Growing senses: While the puppies are initially born blind and deaf, their senses gradually start to awaken. By the end of the first week, their tiny eyelids begin to open, revealing the first glimpses of their beautiful surroundings.


- Nurturing nourishment: These precious puppies rely solely on their devoted mother for nourishment, eagerly nursing to satisfy their growing appetites. Their weight increases steadily, ensuring they are healthy and thriving.


- Tender movements: Although their motor skills are still developing, the puppies wiggle and crawl around with adorable clumsiness. Every little movement is a testament to their determination and budding coordination.


- Family bonding: The first week is a time of profound bonding between the puppies, their caring mother, and their littermates. They snuggle together, creating a warm and loving environment that fosters their emotional well-being.


- Sweet slumber: Sleep is an essential part of their early development, and these tiny bundles of fluff spend a significant amount of time in peaceful slumber. Their dreams are filled with the promise of a bright future.


- Cozy comfort: As the puppies are still unable to regulate their body temperature effectively, they rely on the warmth of their mother and the cozy nest to keep them comfortable and content.


Each golden retriever puppy's journey is unique, but these heartwarming milestones typically occur during their first week. As time goes on, they will continue to grow, explore their senses, and fill your life with immeasurable love and joy.

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